Posted on May 23, 2024
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North America, USA
39-348 534 2079
Dear Sir / Madam, We have investors who are interested in financing projects of large volume. The procedures are as follows:- 1-The client needs to send a brief summary of the project. This must include the total amount required for the project, estimated return on investment, loan repayment period must not be more than 15years 2- The client will need to insure the said project with an insurance company of the total loan sum to guarantee the loan as collateral. 3- The interest rate will be libor +1 annually. 4-Repayment duration will be 15-Years + 1 year grace period. 5 Funding will take approximately 10 banking days from the day you present the insurance certificate. 6- You will pay us a 1% commission after funding. If you are satisfied with the above procedures send me a letter of intent written on your company letterhead. Finally, we finance small-scale loan companies, intermediaries, small-scale financial institutions because we have unlimited capital.
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