DLP Dolby Lake Processor LP4D12 4in 12Out
Posted on Aug 27, 2016
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North America, USA
Matt Weber
DLP Dolby Lake Processor LP4D12 4in 12Out----- $2200 unit work perfectly and looks great. ships in the original factory cardboard box. comment: 1 card with 4 analog input 3 card with 4 analog output the voltage is100 to 240 volt 50/60HZ very good used condition Number of Channels: up to 8 in / 16 out Connectivity: AES/EBU Digital In, AES/EBU Digital Out, S/PDIF Digital In, USB Interface, XLR In, XLR out Form factor: rack mountable Others: Alan Smart C2 Stereo Compressor---- 1980$ Eventide H8000FW 8-channel ultra-harmonizer effects processor --- $2800 McIntosh C50 Sealed ----$6.800 [email protected]
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